Shelly Chatterelli
Age (optional)
54 in April
How long have you been taking Better Than Bootcamp classes?
5 months
What’s your favorite aspect about them?
Charlie is a great teacher. Knowledgeable, motivating and customizes each workout for whoever is in class.
Most people would look at you and say that you’ve already very fit and that you’ve got a great yoga practice and wonder why would you want to add in a primarily strength based workout. What would you say to them?
I love my yoga. It provides, strength, flexibility and balance and is part of my spiritual practice. But I found out a few years ago that I have osteoporosis. The one thing that is know for sure…building muscle builds bones. I love being in my 50’s and feeling better and stronger than ever before. I plan to be in my 60’s and 70’s and feel even better!
What’s your favorite meal?
I LOVE CLEAN, WHOLE food. My meals are always a nice balance of protein, organic veggies and healthy fats like olive oil or a beautiful avacado. Instead of coffee, I have a bit of dark chocolate with cocao nibs. When I have a splurge…it’s A Tavola’s fig and arugula brick oven pizza and Graeter’s Rasberry Chip Ice cream.
What’s your favorite way to treat yourself?
Having a nourishing day with a combination of good food, writing, a green tea latte, meditation, later sitting with friends/family having a glass of wine. That is indeed a perfect day.
What’s your favorite quote?
“Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.”― Thích Nhất Hạnh
Favorite book?
The Year of Magical Thinking, By Joan Didion
What inspires and motivates you?
This is the only chance we have. As one of my spiritual teachers says, “I want to leave this world FAT. Full with as much Love and Wisdom I can hold. Loving, laughing, nourishing my body, my mind, my soul.
What’s the coolest side effect of adding strength work into your life?
I try not to concentrate on “just” how I look because we can become to attached to the outside, but it is indeed delightful to see my body respond in such a positive way to the strength training. When I’m in training I also feel more centered, more positive, more connected to myself and others. Since my work is mostly solitary, I love working out with the class and Charlie. It keeps me motivated and more happy throughout the week.
What’s your next training goal?
I want to continue to strengthen and to understand that age does not have to control the way I feel. But with the wisdom that I have acquired with age, I can continue to get stronger and healthier every day. I’m looking forward to my next bone scan. I KNOW there will be improvement.
Describe yourself in one (brief) sentence
How has adding in Better Than Bootcamp classes changed your life?
It is part of my healthy community.
What would you say to people who might be nervous about trying out 513FIT?
I understand being nervous. Trying something new often is. But don’t let that stop you. You’ll see.